

Online decision making solutions


Talcott is the holding of several innovative companies that build decision support solutions for professionals and management

Tallcott is based in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Please contact Peter Severens at 31-6-20131575 for more information

Ariadne for

Concept Mapping


Ariadne is an online tool for concept mapping. Go to minds21.org for more information.

Athena for

Data Mapping


Athena is an online tool to build a visual representations of information in a database or a data set.

Axon for

Bayesian linkage


Axon is an online tool to pair records from databases with incomplete or partly overlapping keys . The tool is online but not public available. Mail peter.severens@Talcott.nl for more info.

You always wanted a thorough inside in what your associates and your clients mean by complex words like ‘Quality of service’, your ‘Product proposition’ or ‘Fare management’?


You always wanted to obtain more information from your data to drive your decisions? You already discovered that it is not about the absolute figures but about the relations between them?

You always wanted to link data of different sources but the keys are inconclusive because several subjects have the same key? .Use the information in your data to link the right subjects based on an automated Bayesian procedure.

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